Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ya Gotta Love a Jack Russell

If any of you out there own a Jack Russell you know that they are among the most energetic and friendly dogs around. I have had the pleasure of having one as part of my family for twelve years now. "Dixie" is finally slowing down a bit but only a bit.

As a puppy she would run laps around the laps of everyone in the room - including my 85 year old Grandmother who was really not to excited about it. My Grandfather on the other hand, must have been some kind of dog whisperer. He could always get Dixie to calm down and sit in his lap. Even as my Grandfather got up into his 90s I would bring Dixie to his retirement villa and Dixie would calmly sit on Grandpa's lap.

Anyway, at 12 - almost 13 years old, you would think she might be slowing down some. Well, she does sleep more than she used to, but slowing down is not on her agenda. The other day, I let her out behind the townhouse that we have been living in since we moved to Kentucky. These particular townhouses are four to a row and there is another row of them on the other side of the "backyard" that we all share.

So, I let her out and all of a sudden she takes off like a shot toward the last "house" on the other side. The door is open, and she proceeds to run right in. Now, you have to understand that Dixie LOVES everyone, but everyone doesn't love dogs. I understand that, but she doesn't I go running after her - in heels no less since I had just gotten home from work. I sort of knock - not wanting to just walk into someone's home, and realize that knocking is not going to solve the problem.

As I walk through the door, there is a woman who doesn't speak English and is dressed in non-American garb holding a baby and screaming! There are also about 7 or 8 (it seemed like 10) children running around apparently not wanting to meet my friendly dog. One of these children is sitting on the floor (there is absolutely no furniture in this house) eating spaghetti o's - which Dixie assumes is dog food since it is in a bowl on the floor (makes sense to me)...Anyway, you get the picture....lots of screaming, me trying to grab the dog, continuously saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry", which I don't think anyone understood. I finally scooped up my loving dog, and proceeded to carry her back home.

Needless to say, I now no longer let her out back without a leash. She wants to head to where the spaghetti-o dog food is (can't blame her). Luckily for the neighbors and for Dixie we are moving out to a farm in the country next week. Somehow, I don't think those neighbors will miss us.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

What a break from blogging it has been...

Wow! Where do I even begin. So much has happened since I last blogged that they are too numerous to list. Let's start with the big stuff...

I got married

I moved to Kentucky

I started an awesome new job as the CFO for a wonderful company

My oldest daughter got married

My youngest daughter has been kicking %^& in Half Iron-man races and Triathlons! And she just signed up for her first Full Iron-man ( I think this should be Iron Person or Iron Athlete or some such thing because she is most definitely NOT a man...but, not my call)

Mind you, all of this happened within a nine month span of stress there! But they are all happy changes. I have added some wonderful people into my family - the van Onselder clan is absolutely wonderful. My new hubby is Dutch and his parents live in the south of France. Not a bad place to visit. I am so blessed.

Now there is always some baggage that comes along with any change. I won't go into details. If you know me, you know what it is. Enough said!

The most exciting ... well, it's all been exciting... but this is the most recent and still probably has to be the most fun was my daughter's wedding to a young man who is so perfect for her, I couldn't have dreamed him up! He has a wonderful family as well. The wedding was a joyous, fun, electric event. I could not have hoped for it to go better. Thanks to EVERYONE who helped make that happen. I love you all.

Marriage, moving, new adventures, new places, new friends, new family members and great long-time family members, old friends, and old familiar places...these are what life is about my friends. So, if you are stuck in a rut...make a move, take that leap, reach for your dreams! I did it at the ripe old age of, uhhh, well, anyway, old you can too!! And if your life is just how you want it right now - that's great too. Just enjoy every little minute!!

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, so live for today and don't forget to stop and smell the gardenias!! Yup, I probably just butchered a couple of quotes there, but you get the idea. Go out and make it a great day!!